Shocks Maintenance

Shock absorbers maintenance that`ll help you absorb life`s shocks

You`ve got a sweet set of new wheels. You`ve also bought yourself formula one level tyres. And now you`re ready to hit the road and show it off to all your friends.

Hold on. Not so fast.

Tyres and wheels are, in the end, worthless if they`re not gripping the road, and never letting go. And that`s where shock absorbers come in.

Like most other parts of your car, shocks wear out over time, so they will, at some point, need replacing. You`ll notice shocks that are past their expiry date feel like you`re driving a bowl of jelly, or shaking down the road on a bone rattler, or even that your braking distance has increased.

Drive straight to Tyres & More ® and let our expert team check out your shocks.